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APK2950W Water VOCs Online Monitoring System

Product advantages
  1. Dual purge gas path to ensure continuous operation of on-line monitoring system;

  2.  Provide corresponding solutions according to different requirements;

  3.  Detection limit can be as low as ppt;

  4. Peltier refrigeration without refrigerant; 

  5. Reserved interface of analysis unit to connect with other analysis equipment.

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Principle overview

  • 1、 APK2950w is an on-line monitoring system for measuring VOCs in water. According to epa-524.2 standard method, the system uses thin-film extraction or purge and trap devices to separate and concentrate VOCs dissolved in water, and then uses capillary column gas chromatography with different detectors according to different test requirements of users, which can provide accurate and reliable data for users On line monitoring data. All the monitoring procedures are automatic without manual attendance. The system provides accurate and reliable analysis data. The system can be used for on-line monitoring of VOCs in surface water of rivers, lakes and other pollution sources.

  • 2、 The product is used for on-line monitoring of VOCs in surface water such as rivers, lakes and various pollution sources.

  • 3、 The product standard is applicable to HJ639-2012 and HJ686-2014

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龙口市| 盐城市| 绵阳市| 大化| 廉江市| 肇州县| 榆社县| 花莲市| 楚雄市| 措美县| 五大连池市| 临湘市| 县级市| 雷波县| 共和县| 苏州市| 商河县| 沧源| 泽普县| 鄱阳县| 贵德县| 鄂托克旗| 响水县| 长治县| 太仆寺旗| 塘沽区| 阿合奇县| 白水县| 富宁县| 前郭尔| 黔西| 大化| 巴青县| 营山县| 临海市| 遂平县| 吉木萨尔县| 金塔县| 广州市| 绿春县| 和田县|