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APK2950A VOCs Ambient Air oline monitoring system

Product advantages

■ each  20 tube can be treated independently at the same time

■ the way to put in and take out the adsorption tube is simple and fast 

■ the tube is heated by the heating box 

■ the tube bracket automatically enters into the heating box 

■ the heating temperature can be set to 10 steps to ensure the heating uniformity 

■ the visualized flow control can control the purge flow 

■ the cleaning (aging) time can be set by itself, Automatic stop 

■ the unique backstop design of adsorption pipe interface saves the amount of carrier gas

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Principle overview

1、 APK2950A is an on-line monitoring system for measuring VOCs, greenhouse gas sulfur hexafluoride and other sulfur compounds in the ambient air. According toEPA-PAMS、EPA-TO14A、EPA-TO17 standard methods, the system adopts capillary column GC and different detectors according to different testing requirements of users, which can provide accurate and reliable real-time online monitoring data for users. This system includes sample collection subsystem, sample pre-processing subsystem, sample detection subsystem, data processing and transmission subsystem, control subsystem, auxiliary subsystem, etc. the whole process of the system has been automated without manual attendance. The inert material silco steel? Is selected for all parts and pipelines contacting the system with samples, which greatly reduces the sample loss caused by chemical reaction and physical adsorption. 

2、 The product is used for on-line monitoring of VOCs in atmospheric environment.

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