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PF-300 Portable MHC/THC/NMHC Analyzer

Product advantages

■ maintain the advantages of imported pf-300 in terms of safety and data accuracy; 

■ the instrument is integrated, and the methane catalytic unit is integrated into the host to improve portability; 

■ the whole instrument is powered, and there is no need to connect external AC on the working site; 

■ the backpack design is attached, which is convenient for the field test of VOC unorganized emission of gb37822-2019.

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Principle overview

Italy polution PF-300 (Premium Edition) portable methane, total hydrocarbon and non methane total hydrocarbon analyzer is designed and produced by Italian polution company and Qingdao Environmental Control Equipment Co., Ltd. in combination with the demand of Chinese market and test site. 

The host machine with full heating FID technology has built-in high temperature catalytic device. The difference between the total hydrocarbon value measured by the main engine and the methane value measured by the high temperature catalytic device is the non methane total hydrocarbon value. It can be used for the monitoring of unorganized air and exhaust gas from fixed pollution sources, for comparison and acceptance of on-line monitoring instruments, and for on-site monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Users are widely distributed in petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, spraying, printing and dyeing, rubber and other key industries.

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