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PF-300 Portable THC/NMHC/MHC Analyzer(BTEX)

Product advantages

■ it can be used for monitoring exhaust gas from stationary pollution sources;

■ simultaneously measure CH4, THC and NMHC and also measure BTEX, toluene, ethylbenzene and other substances in pollution sources;

■ higher integration, benzene series module integrated in the whole machine;

■ remote data transmission and on-site printing can be realized through App, with calibration control function;

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Principle overview

Benzene series test module is added on the basis of the PF--300 Portable THC/NMHC/MHC Analyzer.

PF-300 Portable THC/NMHC/MHC Analyzer  using the hydrogen flame ionization detector (FID) detection technology in accordance with en13526, en12619, EPA, HJ / t38-2017 standards, The measurement of total hydrocarbon / non methane total hydrocarbon in the gas can be widely used in the monitoring of fixed pollution source flue gas emission, thermal reactor and combustion device emission, automobile exhaust emission, natural gas, ambient air and even anesthetic gas monitoring in medical industry. Pf-300 is a portable on-the-spot non methane hydrocarbon tester, which is portable, compact, safe and easy to us.

With full heating FID technology,PF-300 is equipped with high-temperature catalytic device. THC value measured by the main engine and the methane value measured by the high-temperature catalytic device. The difference between the two is the NMHC  value. It can be used for the monitoring of non stationary air and waste gas from stationary pollution sources at the factory boundary, the comparison and acceptance of on-line monitoring instruments, and the emergency on-site monitoring of volatile organic compounds. Users are widely distributed in petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, spraying, printing and dyeing, rubber and other key industries with VOC emissions.

The expanded benzene series module can simultaneously measure CH4, THC and NMHC, as well as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and other substances in the pollution source. The analysis cycle is within 6 minutes, the detection limit is 0.1ppm (in benzene), and the range can be extended.

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