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APK1200C Canister Dilutor

Product advantages
  1. Clean 4 Summa tanks at the same time, and the cleaning time will be recorded.

  2.  The cleaning temperature (air chamber temperature + 10 ℃ - 150 ℃) of 4 pipelines can be set independently.

  3.  Vacuum process (max5x10-4rr) and high purity gas flushing (10-40psi) can be repeated.

  4.  Vacuum, depressurization, flushing repetition times and temperature can be set separately

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Principle overview

Product Overview 

Suma cans are used to collect ambient air samples. If not thoroughly cleaned, the samples collected in the Suma tank will affect the subsequent analysis. 

Product Appliation 

used Summa tank cleaning


             Before cleaning1.0ppb BTEXs                            After cleaning 






Injection setting: injection flow 50ml / min, injection time: 2.0min, 

Cleaning setting: vacuum degree 5x10-4torr, pressurized flushing 25psi, heating 120 ℃, repeated twice, the product standard meets the requirements of HJ759-2015 standard for Suma tank cleaning

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