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APK2350 Thermo Desorption

Product advantages

1) It can concentrate low concentration samples of PPB or PPT level and inject samples automatically. APK2350 thermal desorption instrument can realize single tube sampling and apk2360 adsorption tube automatic sampler can process 24 samples at one time.

2) the injection mode can select Summa tank, adsorption tube or air bag. 

3) high efficiency filling adsorption cold trap, - 30 ℃ low temperature , effective secondary focusing.

4) 400 ℃ high temperature desorption to ensure that the sample is completely desorbed.

 Accurate control of carrier gas flow rate, air tightness self-test function, compatible with all adsorption tubes manufactured in accordance with international standards.

5) full gas path anti adsorption treatment, and full heating function to ensure no loss of samples. 

6) It can be perfectly compatible with multi brand gas chromatography. 

7) it can be controlled globally by APK control system

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Principle overview

Product Overview

APK2350 thermal desorption instrument + APK2360 adsorption tube automatic sampler is used as pretreatment system combined with gas chromatography or gas chromatography / mass spectrometry system to realize the determination of volatile organic compounds in ambient air and waste gas from fixed pollution sources. 


APK2300 series Thermal Desorption system includes two-stage thermal desorption, focused cold trap rapid heating, uniform heating inert gas path and other parts. It can be used for the determination of all 35 target compounds of VOCs in ambient air of HJ644, and the requirements of HJ734 standard for the determination of 24 target compounds in organic waste gas emitted from fixed pollution sources by adsorption tube analysis. The unique combination of adsorption tube, inert gas path and two-stage cold trap enrichment and concentration specially designed for such applications enhances the analytical ability of target compounds required by the standard.

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